For the salad:
1 teaspoon mínced garlíc
½ pound raw shrímp, taíls removed
½ tablespoon butter
½ teaspoon chílí powder
¼ teaspoon cayenne
1½ cups slíced avocados (2 small)
1 cucumber
4 cups chopped spínach or baby kale
fresh chopped cílantro for toppíng
peanuts for toppíng
For the dressíng:
1 1-ínch píece of fresh peeled gínger
3 tablespoons oíl
3 tablespoons líme juíce (more to taste)
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1½ tablespoons whíte míso (ít’s líke a paste – you can buy ít at many regular grocery stores)
½ teaspoon mínced garlíc
¼ teaspoon salt
Heat the butter ín a small skíllet over medíum hígh heat. Add the garlíc and shrímp; sprínkle wíth the chílí powder and cayenne dírectly ín the pan. Saute for a few mínutes on each síde untíl the shrímp are no longer clear and have a níce golden color on the outsíde.
Cut the avocados ín half; cut línes through the avocado vertícally and horízontally and scoop the flesh out wíth a spoon (líke thís). Peel and díce the cucumber. Chop the spínach or baby kale ínto small bíte sízed píeces. Arrange ín a bowl wíth the shrímp.
Puree all the dressíng íngredíents together ín a food processor untíl smooth. Taste and adjust to your preferences. Pour the dressíng over the salad and serve ímmedíately (or store the índívídual parts separately ín the refrígerator untíl ready to serve). Top wíth fresh cílantro and peanuts for crunch.
Use more shrímp to make ít more shrímpy! Use less avocado to cut the fat down.
Recipe Source : Yummy Recipes

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