After nearly half a year.With puzzle show team's hard work, Puzzing social 4.0 successfully came out.

Yahoo has been astronomical acquired under a capital fancied that who would be the next, yes must be pinterest.

We have combined pinterest variety of excellent features, and made a lot of creative change to help you to build a much more powerful, more viscous site.

Puzzing social 4.0 is currently the most stable performance in all versions, the most powerful version, hope you will like it.

Puzzing social 4.0 can help you create a series of new site features, such as: shopping guide, article sharing, movies, share, comment, O2O business, and even download site.

4.0's change:

1 Complete change in the underlying architecture, optimized code structure, all modules plug-ins, the biggest secondary level to facilitate the development and expansion. Greatly enhance the system load and execution speed.

2 Perfect style system for easy style switch, a set of style sets color system, puzzles show templates to create more simple, convenient UI template design staff.

3 File upload system to upload multiple attachments, not only supports image attachments, but also support other types zip.

4 Member level permissions system, the new system motivates members to share and publish various articles.

5 new management admin console.

6 Star system improvements, all of the stars can customize personal home style templates, background images, as well as the head picture.

7 Store system improvements, user can share their shops visited, share their happy hour in there, business users can be authenticated these shops.

8 Topics feature enhancements, As long as the user type #xxxx# in their post, this post will linked to the topic "XXXX" automatically.

9 Album improvement, the album can be commented on.

10 search feature highlights, the background can set precise search, or fuzzy search, according to the pressure on the server to choose.

11 Social login, before we do not often complain about Social login function does not work well.

12 Multi-level category. we recommend that you use a maximum of two categories, too many layers of category, not only in trouble yourself, but also troublesome for users.

13 E-mail systems, Puzzing Social 4.0 supports the secondary development very easily, you can add your own email template and imply them.

14 new publishing system, now one share can contain various types of attachments, not just pictures, come and try it.

15 text filter, this system can filter the text that you don't want user to post in your website.

These are the major improvements f Puzzing social 4.0, there also have a lot of other functions not mentioned, you can try them in

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Same from nightjar 's share

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