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Potrivit unei decizii recente a Consiliului Local Sector 6, bucureştenii din acest sector care doresc să închirieze un loc de parcare de reşedinţă sau să îşi reînnoiască un contract de închiriere existent trebuie să facă dovada că nu au restanţe la plata altor taxe şi impozite locale mai vechi de un an.
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The ability of humans to create art, think rationally or invent new tools has long interested scientists, and a new study reveals how the brain achieves these imaginative feats.
Human imagination stems from a widespread network of brain areas that collectively manipulate ideas, images and symbols, the study finds. This "mental workspace" had been theorized before, but this study provides new empirical evidence, the researchers say. in art, science, music and other fields requires the a…
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